
Why a blog?

The simple answer is that, I think too much. Sometimes, there are so much thoughts that perhaps it is best I document them somewhere to better make sense of it in the future.  I am in my thirties, earn a reasonable keep and am increasingly getting disillusioned. When I was young, the idea was to study hard, get a degree, get a job, earn a stable income. I believed in working hard and saving at least half of what I earned. Fast forward a decade, early this year, some incidents at work made me rethink if I should have a different mindset. I am still passionate about what I do but people at work were causing a lot of frustrations. I felt unhappy, stressed and often brought these emotions home. Some may ask, why not quit? I signed a contract so this is not an option for now. Since I cannot change what is done, I can only look towards the future. The end of the year is the time develop new year resolutions. For 2019, I wish to reinforce to myself the following: My work is not my